Ravensbury’s Open Garden Estates walking tours today from 12-2pm @ meeting hall on Ravensbury Grove

Hi Everyone,

Today, we’ll be holding walking tours of Ravensbury (Village) Estate as part of the Open Garden Estates events being held across London.

This event draws attention to the regeneration developments that are being pushed through against the wishes of the residents, demolishing communities and environments against their will.

Walking tours are being held 12-2pm today (Saturday 18th June 2016). We meet at the Ravensbury Grove meeting hall and will take it from there!

Ravensbury Grove open gardens estates
12-2pm Ravensbury Grove open gardens estates walking tours
Ravensbury Grove open gardens estates
12-2pm Ravensbury Grove open gardens estates

Only 7 days left to submit your response to the Ravensbury Garages planning application 16/P1968

Time is ticking away, so tonight (Wednesday evening) we’ll have a planning application surgery at our meeting hall from 7pm.

We understand that this is a big ask, but if you do your best and state whether you support or object to this application, this will help considerably.

Write to planning.representations@Merton.gov.uk stating application reference “16/P1968 Ravensbury Garages” with your name, address, and all of your comments by Wednesday, 22nd June 2016.

It’s important that when you write your letter to planning that you state “I object” otherwise you could be considered as commenting, not objecting…

Ravensbury Garages planning application

The number of people objecting is very important. Every member of your household can object. It’s quite important that you write individual letters, but they can be based around the same themes.

Remember to ask future Merton to submit your comments to the consultation earlier this year if you consider them relevant. You can email them on estatesplan@Merton.gov.uk or telephone on 02085453693

Consider how a 4 storey flat situated right next to Ravensbury Park will look. The park is an important conservation area, & a local nature reserve. The impact on it is very important for the planning officer.

Consider why it is important to retain the green space at the end of Ravensbury Grove. There is a public view of Ravensbury Park here, which is considered important in planning terms. The green space forms part of a chain of green space along Ravensbury Grove and effectively expands the land available to the park, enhancing the character of the Wandle Valley Conservation Area.

The land at the southern end of Ravensbury Grove links the character of the Ravensbury Estate and that of Ravensbury Park. It is both park and estate at once. It is a key area to both. How do you feel about a 4 storey tall development right next to the park, almost separating Ravensbury by blocking much of the tree line and the view available to both the public and to residents? Public views are valid objections but private ones are not. If the view from your home allows you to understand the impact on the character of Ravensbury, describe how you feel it will be affected.

Remember that the ground in this area is an island, 1m higher than much of Ravensbury estate and Hengelo Gardens. This means that the development will be more visible once completed. It will have a greater effect on the character of both park and estate because of this.

Public amenities (the elements of Ravensbury that you enjoy) are important in planning. What do you enjoy about this area? How will this development affect the enjoyment and quality of living in this area? The green open space blends the estate with the park. It’s a very pleasant glade that sits harmoniously with the park and our estate. It acts as a transition zone but doesn’t detract from either, using extensive soft landscaping. Do you value the trees in this area? Do you value the trees within the derelict garages site? If so, say so. If they are removed, what would the impact be? How would it affect you once the development was built?

Do you enjoy the free parking that currently exists? If this development goes ahead there will be more pressure on existing spaces and we can envisage a Controlled Parking Zone being implemented in the future and resident parking permits that annually cost £90 (1st car), £135 (2nd car), £165 (3rd car) initially, then £65 (1), £110 (2), £140 (3) thereafter.

Do you enjoy the open nature of Ravensbury. The grassed area at the southern end of Ravensbury Grove, by the park, enhances this element of Ravensbury. Two sets of 4 storey flats will compromise the excellent design of Ravensbury, and negatively affect its setting and beauty.

Do you think other residents share your point of view? If so, say so in your response and ask them to respond to this application in writing too.

State whether you think the local plan consultation should be given weight in this planning application. Are there parts of it that support your view? If so, copy them out or just reference the page number and paragraph.

You have 7 days!

Write to planning.representations@Merton.gov.uk stating application reference “16/P1968 Ravensbury Garages” with your name, address, and all of your comments by Wednesday, 22nd June 2016.

Ravensbury Residents Association

Your planning response should include your response to the Local Plan from earlier this year

We received an email from Merton Council’s planning department that mentioned that responses to the Local Plan would only be included for consideration for the Ravensbury Garages planning application if they were sent AGAIN as part of the residents response NOW.

So if you expect the planning team to have received your response via Future Merton previously,  you need to think again. Best to send a copy in again this time round.

If you have trouble finding your copy, we can check it against those on the council’s website and re submit it if you like.

Ravensbury Garages Sections showing new development proposals & current context

Here’s some drawings from the proposed Ravensbury Garages redevelopment plan that is currently awaiting review by Merton Council’s planning team – application 16/P1968.
You have until 21st June 2016 to get your responses into Merton Council. This is considered to be Phase 1 of the regeneration strategy put forward by Circle Housing.

Here’s the elevations of Ravensbury Garages etc:

Ravensbury Garages - proposed sections B
Ravensbury Garages – proposed sections ACROSS GARAGES SITE
Ravensbury Garages - proposed sections A
Ravensbury Garages – proposed sections ACROSS GARAGES SITE
Ravensbury Garages - block B sections
Ravensbury Garages – block B sections ON RAVENSBURY GROVE
Ravensbury Garages - block A sections
Ravensbury Garages – block A sections ON RAVENSBURY GROVE
Ravensbury Garages - existing sections 2
Ravensbury Garages – EXISTING sections ACROSS GARAGES
Ravensbury Garages - existing sections 1
Ravensbury Garages – EXISTING sections ON RAVENSBURY GROVE

Here’s a gallery of some the drawings that they have used to support their planning application: